Halloween CTF

Since it is Halloween, the cabinet is putting on a Halloween-themed CTF event during the regular meeting time. The competition involves solving trivia questions, small challenges related to cybersecurity, and pentest-style hacking into a set of Halloween-themed virtual machines. Teams will consist of up to 5 people (we can help you find a team if you come alone or want more people to work with!) and the top team will win a prize. There will be pizza and candy to fuel your efforts.

WHAT: A Capture the Flag Competition, bring your laptop, it’s free! WHERE: Coover 3043 WHEN: Tuesday October 31st, 5:15PM (competition starts at 5:30PM sharp)

RSVP required by 12:00PM on 10/30/2017, fill out this simple form to RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/65g9Eu0aQMcqbnMv2

There will be something for people of all knowledge levels to work on - from experienced hackers to people just getting into security - you don’t want to miss this fun, competitive, and educational competition.

Hop on Discord or email us at iasg-cabinet@iastate.edu if you have any questions.